Right of revocation
You have the right to withdraw your declaration of contract without stating a reason within 30 days in written form (e. g. letter, fax, e-mail) or if the goods were left to you before expiring date by returning the goods. The stated period of time starts at the earliest on receipt of this information in writing but not before receipt of the goods by the recipient (according to perseverative delivery of similar goods the stated period of time does not start before the receipt of the first part-delivery) and not before the performance of our duty to inform according to Art. 246 Para. 2 in connection with Para 1 clause 1 and 2 EGBGB as well as our obligations according to Para. 312g clause 1 Sentence 1 BGB in connection with Art. 246 Para 3 EGBGB. To comply with the stated period of time it is sufficient to dispatch the withdrawal or the goods in time.
The cancellation has to be sent to:
Grindhouse GmbH
Altkönigstr. 12
65239 Hochheim
Fax: 0049 (0) 6146 83 765 10
Effects of Revocation
In the event of an effective cancellation, the mutually provided goods and services shall be returned and, if applicable, any benefits enjoyed (e. g. interest) surrendered. In case you cannot return the provided goods and services as well as utilizations (e.g. benefits of use) in total or in part or only in deteriorated condition, you are obliged to pay us compensation for lost value. You are only obliged to pay us compensation for lost value for deterioration of the goods and received benefits in as far as the utilization or deterioration is exclusively due to the features and correct functioning of the goods having been examined. "Examination of the features and function" is defined as testing and trying out of the respective goods in such a way as would be possible and common practice in a shop. Goods, that can be dispatched by parcel, have to be returned on our risk. You shall be responsible for the return costs if the goods supplied complies with the goods ordered and if the price of the goods to be returned does not exceed the amount of 40 Euros or - in case the price does exceed the amount of 40 Euros - if you have at the moment of cancellation not yet provided for the payment or a contractually agreed part payment. In any other case you will not incur any charges for the return of goods. Goods, that cannot be returned as parcels, will be collected from your address. Obligations for refunding of payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The period commences for you after sending the revocation request or returning the goods and it begins for us after receiving said goods.